Lions Multiple District 6 Logo

 Redlands Lions Club

Lions international - We Serve logo

Redlands Flag Service

The Redlands Lion’s place the United States flag out on nine holidays or commemorative dates during the year.  Every homeowner or business will select where the flag is placed on their property.  An in-ground holder will be set or a flag holder on their fence will be positioned for the flag pole.

The following neighborhoods qualify for flag service:

If you live in the Redlands area please contact us to see if your home is on our flag routes.

Interested in becoming a flag customerFor more information, or to subscribe to our flag service please contact:

Lion Lance Wade

970-270-4658 (leave  message)

or email:

The flag service is a community project and costs $40 per year (July-June).  All funds made from this project are contributed back to the community.

Flags are put out around daybreak and taken down at dusk.


The following 9 dates are honored (weather/conditions permitting):